
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Long Nails Tips | How to Grow Long Nails in a Week | 2020

Long Nails Tips | How to Grow Long Nails in a Week

Just as the beauty of the face requires good skin and good hair, the beauty of our hands increases even more with the big and strong, beautiful long nails. 

The growth of men in the men's body is faster than women. But the hobby of big nails is seen only in most women. If the growth of your nails is too slow i.e. they grow very slowly or your nails look weak, thin, and lifeless, or they are often broken. 

Long Nails Tips | How to Grow Long Nails in a Week | 2020
Long Nails Tips

How to Grow Long Nails in a Week:

Friends, our nails are made up of more than one layer of proteins called Alpha Keratin. This protein is also found in animals so that their hooves and lions are formed. 

Friends, the speed of the nails increases in the body of different people. But usually, our hand's nails grow up to 3 mm in a month. For the good health and length of the nails, we need to take care of some simple remedies along with our catering and some simple precautions. 

Today, we will talk about these three in our  Growing Long Nails, and you will know how to strengthen your nails in just 15 days and how to increase it at twice the speed?

Long and beautiful nails, which is looking good ... if the nails are beautiful, fully in shape and strong, the beauty of the hands increases further. 

Long nails can be punished by making different types of nail art. But many girls complain that their nails are broken down as they grow. In such a situation, they never get a perfect shape, which is expected. 

But have you ever thought that why nails are broken? Often due to Hormonal reasons, many times nails are broken due to lack of nutrition.
Dermatologist's suggestions to reduce nail damage

      Long Nails Tips With Color and Polish For 2019


If you want to use oil on the nails, you can also, keep the oil in the empty nail polish CC, or you can also apply it with the help of a cotton bird. 

Before bedtime, place the oil well on both sides of your nails and inside. And after applying it, do the massage of 5 to 10 minutes on the upper skin of your cuticles. 

Massage makes blood circulation in the fingers of the fingers and simultaneously the oil impregnated is well within the skin. 

After massaging, keep the oil over your fingers overnight. Repeating this process daily, you will see a great difference in the growth of your nails in the first week. 

You can now get strong, healthy nailsTake out the white part of the egg in a bowl. Mix two teaspoons of orange juice in it. Leave this solution for 5 minutes on your fingernails. Contains vitamin C which produces collagen which makes the nails stronger.


    Before putting oil on the nails, if you put your hands in hot water for 5 minutes, then it makes the oil effect double. 

    The water of green tea is very beneficial to increase the nails. Before applying the oil on a daily basis, keep nuggets soak for your nails for 5 minutes in light green tea. Friends Green 

    Tea contains high amounts of Antioxidants and Minerals, which are very beneficial for strengthening our nails and enhancing natural glow and for naturally beautiful nailsMassage olive oil on your nails. 

    It contains vitamin E which nourishes the nails, allowing the nails to grow rapidly.


      To increase the growth of nails and to strengthen them, diet is the biggest contribution to the food.

       It is a food item that contains vitamin H or biotin, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and protein intake. Such things should be consumed in excess of us. Because these are some special nutrients that affect most of our nails, especially. You can use porridge, oats, mushrooms, bananas, fish, and almonds for food for Vitamin H i.e. biotin. All of these biotin content is quite high.

       As well as increasing our nails, it also increases the growth of our hair. Apart from this, you should consume more quantity of foil, foil, leafy leaves, i.e. sweet neem in your food for folic acid. The hard leaf is good for our nails and it is also beneficial for our stomach and skin. 

      By drinking strawberry tea once a day, it enhances the growth of our nails. Apart from this, for the 'Vitamin A', you eat more fruits such as pomegranate orange grapes in your diet for carrot, sweet potato, and green vegetables, vitamin C.

      The amount of protein in milk, egg, meat, and pulses is quite high, which is most necessary to increase the length of the nails. Therefore, you must also include them in your daily diet. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and other nutrients, which helps in the massage of nails.


        It is said that the hands which we work more than the nails of that arm grow faster. In such a way, the little handsome exercises of hands are useful to increase nailfaster

        For this, first, open your hands and then make a fist, repeat the process 10 to 12 times. In this way, the hands are exercised which is very beneficial in increasing the length of the nails. 

        You must do this exercise for two or three times a day. Take teaspoon garlic and add a teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Apply it on your nails and leave it for 10 minutes. After this, wash hands with clean water.


          If your hands live in water for a long time then it makes the nails weak. It is therefore often seen that after the bath the possibility of breaking the nails significantly increases. 

          So whenever you are in the water for a long time, you should massage your oil on your fingers immediately after leaving the water. And do not do any work that threatens nail breaks


            Using Nailpents, Nails are avoided because it enhances the beauty of the nails, it also strengthens the nails. But you always use good quality nail polish on nails. 

            The chemistry of Nail Paints in Nail polish is quite high, which makes our nails weak. Also to remove nail polish, always use Acetone Free (Acetone Free) i.e. Use nail paint remover without acetone on your fingernails.

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